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Year-End Countdown: Key Deadlines You Cannot Afford to Miss

As the year comes to a close, there are some important deadlines that you shouldn’t ignore. These deadlines affect your taxes, savings, and, perhaps, your financial future. Here’s a simple guide to help you stay on track before this year’s clock runs out. December 31st: Retirement Contributions Make sure to contribute to your 401(k) by the end of the year to manage your taxable income and potentially stash more money for retirement. December 31st: Charitable Donations Are yo
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Paving Your Road to Retirement

Whatever your age, it’s never too soon to look ahead and begin giving thought to your retirement. With proper planning, you can make the transition to retirement a smooth, comfortable and confident ride. Today, more than ever, planning for retirement is a necessity. Social Security and company retirement plans are often insufficient to provide the necessary income for a comfortable retirement. You must plan ahead by setting goals and deciding how to pursue them. Retirement planning me
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Elevate Your Retirement Savings: What to Do After Maxing Out Your 401(k)

The 401(k) plan is an excellent way for HENRYs, high earners not rich yet, to save for retirement. Hitting the maximum contribution limit is a goal many work toward to reap the benefits of this tax-deferred saving strategy fully.But what happens after you have maxed out your 401(k) contributions? What are your other options for saving for an independent and comfortable retirement? This article provides additional investment strategies for HENRYs seeking to elevate their retirement savings outsid
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How Much Money Should You Keep in Cash?

An adequate emergency fund helps provide both security and flexibility   We're living through interesting economic times. On the one hand, markets can be unpredictable and volatile. On the other hand, economic conditions are constantly changing. More than ever, people are asking: "How much money should I keep in cash?" Believe it or not, the answer is the same in turbulent times as it is in relatively calm periods. And it’s the same regardless of how “cautious&r
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The Sandwich Generation and Retirement: Overcoming the Dual-Caregiving Dilemma

The "Sandwich Generation" is composed of adults who are ‘sandwiched’ between competing financial responsibilities. Many Sandwich Gen members support their aging parents while also providing for their children (or even grandchildren) and planning for retirement. Today's Sandwich Generation is a larger-than-ever cohort consisting of the youngest Baby Boomers, the oldest Millennials, and much of Generation X. While this can be a stressful time of life, there are a few step
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Old 401(k), New Tricks: 6 Tips for Rolling Over Your 401(k)

The average American worker will change jobs more than once in their lifetime. While there are multiple options such as leaving your 401(k) in your former plan if allowed, cashing out the account balance, or transferring the 401(k), many decide to roll over their old 401(k) to their new employer's plan or other investment vehicles such as an IRA, Roth IRA, or an annuity. Here, we provide tips to help the rollover process go quickly and smoothly for you. 1.  Check with the 401(k) custodi
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3 Key Money Moves Every Parent Should Make

3 Key Money Moves Every Parent Should Make Whether you are expecting your first child or have been a parent for years, finances and building a future for your family go hand-in-hand. Luckily, there are money moves you can make now to help manage financial stress, support yourself and your loved ones, and help your children as they get older. Here are three key financial moves all parents should consider making. Review and Update Your Life Insurance For many, life insurance is a necessary but
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Tips for Safeguarding Your Identity Online

Tips for Safeguarding Your Identity Online Adopt a proactive approach to help your data remain uncompromised   Identity theft, one of the fastest-growing cybercrimes, can derail your personal and professional life. As we all live in the digital realm, it's crucial to understand the risks associated with sharing personal information and the steps to mitigate them. Because in the hands of fraudsters, your personal details become tools for malicious activities ranging from unauthorized t
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Homeownership: What It Could Mean for Your Estate Plan

Homeownership: What It Could Mean for Your Estate Plan   There is one thing that we will most likely all do one day: regardless of your status in society, position at work, or whether you are tall or short, you may pass down assets to loved ones. When that day arrives, an estate plan is essential for managing and distributing those assets without too many hiccups. Physical real estate is one of the more valuable items on your asset list. It is critical that you are knowledgeable of how the
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6 Ways Prioritizing Your Health Can Save You Money

It can be easy to lose focus on your own health needs, especially if you have other obligations.   This can be an expensive mistake for several reasons. Consider these ways putting your health first can help you both physically and financially.   Outrun medical costs While finding the time to exercise can pose a challenge, it can reap big rewards in the long run. That’s because leading an active lifestyle may help you dodge health conditions like heart disease, high blood pre
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Five Tips to Ensure You Are Prepared for Long-Term Care in Retirement

As Gen X-ers and Millennials move toward retirement, long-term care expenses are poised to make up an even larger share of their retirement expenses. In 2021, long-term care cost American adults an average of between $35,000 and $108,000 annually—a hefty price tag for even the most diligent savers.1 But if you start planning early and focus on your goals, preparing for long-term care doesn't need to be an insurmountable hurdle. Here are five tips to help guide your path. Understand W
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The Changing Face: Dual Income Families

The concept of the “traditional” American family is continually changing. The dual income family—with both spouses maintaining separate careers and contributing to the financial success of the household—has now become commonplace. The economic challenges and opportunities of this century may often require two incomes to meet overall family expenses. Many families ask themselves, “How will we be able to plan for our retirement, save for our children’s educatio
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The Surprising Benefits of Getting Life Insurance Later in Life 

A common piece of standard life insurance advice is to get it as early as possible — and there are good reasons why. If you're young and in relatively good health, purchasing a term life insurance policy is usually much cheaper than it will be a decade or two later.But while it can seem counterintuitive, there are actually several surprising benefits to getting life insurance later in life. Continue reading to learn more about what you can expect if you purchase life insurance in your
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How Will My Children Pay for College? 7 Tips to Help You Plan, Save, and Pay

As a parent, one of the most significant concerns is ensuring that your children have the financial resources they need to pursue higher education. With college tuition costs continuously rising, it's no surprise that many parents stress about their children's future college expenses. It is never too early to start planning and saving for college or changing spending habits to prepare for education expenses.1. Start saving earlyThe best way to ensure you have enough funds for your childr
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The Hidden Gems of IRAs: 5 Little-Known Facts You May Not Know

When it comes to financial accounts like the IRA, details are everything. Look past the surface, examine it closer, and you may be surprised that numerous accounts, including your IRAs, contain hidden gems and little-known facts you didn’t know existed. These are the moments when you may discover there are some rules out there that may benefit you and your financial strategy. Here are five of those little-known facts you may not know:  Rollover IRA A rollover is when you cash in ano
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Is the Roth 401(k) an Option for You?

Taking a closer look at whether it might be appropriate for your situation     Since it first became available in 2006, many employers have added the Roth 401(k) to their benefit packages as a retirement savings option. A Roth option is available for Individual Retirement Accounts (IRAs) and 401(k) and 403(b) accounts. To see if a Roth 401(k) would be appropriate for your situation, let’s take a closer look.   To Roth or Not to Roth   To start, let’s consider th
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Questions to Ask If Navigating a Solo Retirement

Pursing not only a confident retirement, but one that is vibrant and fulfilling   Embarking on retirement alone, either by choice or due to unforeseen circumstances such as the loss of a partner or divorce, presents a unique set of challenges and considerations. With the rise in divorce rates among those aged 50 and older, and the reality that over a quarter of individuals over 60 live solo – a figure that climbs significantly for women as they age – preparing for a solo reti
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Tax Relief Legislation in Progress

Legislation that could benefit parents and business-owners is currently moving through Congress. The House has passed the Tax Relief for American Families and Workers Act of 2024. It now faces an uncertain future in the Senate. The legislation would make changes to the child tax credit and to certain business tax provisions. Some significant provisions in the legislation that may provide tax relief are summarized below. Child tax credit provisions If enacted, the legislation may increase the av
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Inflation and Its Impact on Markets and Portfolios

Understanding the implications of CPI and PPI is crucial for investors   In the ever-evolving world of finance, staying abreast of economic indicators is crucial for investors looking to make informed decisions. One such key indicator is inflation, which recently made headlines with the release of data in early January 2024. According to the report from the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Consumer Price Index (CPI) showed a 0.3% month-over-month increase in December 2023, following
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Old 401(k), New Tricks: 6 Tips for Rolling Over Your 401(k)

The average American worker will change jobs more than once in their lifetime. While there are multiple options such as leaving your 401(k) in your former plan if allowed, cashing out the account balance, or transferring the 401(k), many decide to roll over their old 401(k) to their new employer's plan or other investment vehicles such as an IRA, Roth IRA, or an annuity. Here, we provide tips to help the rollover process go quickly and smoothly for you. 1.  Check with the 401(k) custodi
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Trading vs. Investing: Which One Fits Your Personality and Risk Tolerance?

Both trading and investing involve purchasing financial assets for the purpose of growing the value of those investments and either earning a profit through a sale, the accumulation of interest, or dividends paid out (and reinvested in the asset). Some of these financial instruments include:  Individual stocksBondsExchange-traded fund (ETF)Index FundMutual Fund     What is investing? Investing involves buying and holding a financial asset over time where the investment may gro
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Matter of Tax

The 2024 tax season is upon us, and it's time to get prepared for filing your taxes. Whether you're a seasoned taxpayer or a first-timer, understanding the key dates and procedures will help you navigate the process smoothly. Here's a guide to help you through Tax Day 2024.When Can I Start Filing My 2023 Tax Return?The IRS has announced that the 2024 tax season will officially begin on January 29. This means that starting on this date, the IRS will start accepting and processing tax
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Deflation, Disinflation, and Why Investors Need a Plan for Both

When the market moves, whether up, down, or in circles, there are terms to describe these dubious economic fluctuations. Here, we will discuss two of them, deflation and disinflation, and why investors should plan for both. Deflation Deflation is the opposite of inflation. It is a term used to outline the decline in the price level across the economy, not the growth rate of the price level (disinflation). Deflation can be triggered by a decrease in the supply of money and credit, growt
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Retirement Income Investing As Rates Stay High

Present economic conditions are ripe with opportunities to enhance income   Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of many years of labor; a season to reap the benefits of smart saving and investing. However, with the changing tides of the economy, particularly the rise in interest rates, a new set of opportunities has presented itself for retirees. The investment landscape for those in their golden years is sparkling with potential, albeit with a few caveats that require a keen eye and
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Retirement Income Investing As Rates Stay High

Present economic conditions are ripe with opportunities to enhance income   Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of many years of labor; a season to reap the benefits of smart saving and investing. However, with the changing tides of the economy, particularly the rise in interest rates, a new set of opportunities has presented itself for retirees. The investment landscape for those in their golden years is sparkling with potential, albeit with a few caveats that require a keen eye and
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Bonds: How to Adapt to Challenging Market Conditions

In today’s current financial environment, investors are experiencing the challenges of managing their investment portfolio through a volatile market with an uncertain future. For more than a year, bond return on investments has been less than favorable, and the question we have to ask ourselves is, are bonds even worth having in our portfolio anymore?  What are bonds? Buying a bond means you are making a loan to an organization. It is essentially an IOU given by the borrower (the iss
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Bonds: How to Adapt to Challenging Market Conditions

In today’s current financial environment, investors are experiencing the challenges of managing their investment portfolio through a volatile market with an uncertain future. For more than a year, bond return on investments has been less than favorable, and the question we have to ask ourselves is, are bonds even worth having in our portfolio anymore?  What are bonds? Buying a bond means you are making a loan to an organization. It is essentially an IOU given by the borrower (the iss
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Stocks vs. Bonds: A Pros and Cons Guide

Stocks and bonds have advantages and disadvantages when building an investment portfolio. Much of this depends on your risk tolerance and how you construct your investment strategy. When considering the potential risks and rewards of stocks and bonds, it is important to first learn the key differences between them. Stocks are ownership in a company, and bonds are a loan to a company or the government. Historically stocks have generated higher returns than bonds. According to the U.S. Securi
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Matter of Tax

Whether you're a seasoned taxpayer or a first-timer, understanding the key dates and procedures will help you navigate the process smoothly.
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Old 401(k), New Tricks: 6 Tips for Rolling Over Your 401(k)

Here, we provide tips to help the rollover process go quickly and smoothly for you.
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Inflation and Its Impact on Markets and Portfolios

Understanding the implications of CPI and PPI is crucial for investors
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Deflation, Disinflation, and Why Investors Need a Plan for Both

When the market moves, whether up, down, or in circles, there are terms to describe these dubious economic fluctuations. Here, we will discuss two of them, deflation and disinflation, and why investors should plan for both.
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Retirement Income Investing As Rates Stay High

Present economic conditions are ripe with opportunities to enhance income. Retirement is a time to enjoy the fruits of many years of labor; a season to reap the benefits of smart saving and investing. However, with the changing tides of the economy, particularly the rise in interest rates, a new set of opportunities has presented itself for retirees.
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Bonds: How to Adapt to Challenging Market Conditions

In today's current financial environment, investors are experiencing the challenges of managing their investment portfolio through a volatile market with an uncertain future.
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Stocks vs. Bonds: A Pros and Cons Guide

Stocks and bonds have advantages and disadvantages when building an investment portfolio. Much of this depends on your risk tolerance and how you construct your investment strategy.
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